Child Abuse | Give a Child a Voice
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Concerning child abuse, we recognize the urgency to amplify our efforts. We are actively seeking additional information and resources to broaden our support spectrum. Our goal is to reach and assist those silenced victims, ensuring they find a voice and the protection they so dearly need..

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Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

Child abuse is a grave and pervasive issue that affects children across all communities and socioeconomic backgrounds. This tab provides essential information about the various forms of child abuse, indicators that may suggest a child is being abused, preventive measures, and resources for intervention and support.

Give a Child a Voice

Type of Child Abuse


A 10-year-old girl navigates her way through the foster care system, after being removed from her home and separated from her younger brother. 

Director Nathanael Matanick

  • Physical Abuse: Deliberate use of force that results in injury or harm to the child.

  • Emotional Abuse: Damaging a child's mental health or emotional well-being through actions such as belittling, humiliation, or constant criticism.

  • Sexual Abuse: Any form of sexual activity or exploitation involving a child.

  • Neglect: Failing to provide the basic necessities like food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or emotional support.

Indicators of Child Abuse

  • Physical Signs: Unexplained bruises, burns, or injuries; frequent ailments; signs of malnutrition.

  • Behavioral Signs: Fear of specific people or places, regressive behaviors, sleep disturbances, changes in academic performance, and unexpected knowledge of adult issues, particularly of a sexual nature.

  • Emotional Indicators: Withdrawal, depression, anxiety, or aggressive behavior.

Prevention and Education

  • Awareness Programs: Sessions in schools or community centers educating children about their rights and safe boundaries.

  • Parental Workshops: Educating parents about stress management, positive parenting techniques, and recognizing signs of abuse.

  • Background Checks: Ensuring adults working with children in any capacity undergo thorough background checks.

What to Do if You Suspect Abuse

  • Stay Calm: Reacting with panic can scare the child and prevent them from speaking out.

  • Listen Actively: If a child discloses abuse, listen without interrupting or expressing doubt.

  • Report: Depending on your country or state, you may be legally obliged to report suspicions. Contact local law enforcement or child protective services.

  • Seek Professional Help: A child who has suffered abuse may need counseling or therapy. Consult professionals for guidanc

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